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Why I adore Jason & Carol
The best humans in online biz

I know that people hype up other people or offers, particularly when being an affiliate is involved. But you’ll hopefully see by now how much value is already in Wandering Aimfully when you join. And beyond that, this is just my own experience of knowing these two beautiful humans and trying to help you feel confident in knowing that the people you’re investing in are worth it.

First of all - Jason & Carol are genuinely two of the loveliest people you could meet. They really care about each individual person that joins WAIM and you're not just a statistic or number to them - you're a real person, and they'll show you that!

Secondly, they teach from what they know. This might sound trivial but I think that it's SO important nowadays, particularly when ethical selling & marketing in online business can often feel at an all-time-low. In the days where people will often set up businesses on things they don't even understand or have learned about themselves, Jason & Carol teach you everything they've learned themselves in their own businesses prior to starting Wandering Aimfully.

And even since then - they've never stopped sharing their behind-the-scenes and in-the-moment experiments, results, and what they're actively working on with us all in the WAIM Community. And as they learn new things, create more experiments, and see more growth in their own business? They feed that back directly to us through WAIM.

But on a personal note...

This will show you why they're the bestest of the best! I've had the absolute pleasure of meeting both Jason & Carol in the flesh, and they're as lovely as they appear on their YouTube vids & podcast! But the ONLY reason this happened? Because they spent MONTHS plotting with a fellow WAIMer and friend of mine to surprise me! 😭

Jason & Carol were travelling around Europe for most of 2022, and when I realised they were going to be in the UK for a short time I even messaged Jason to say that I would love to meet up with them if they had a spare day. After a tad of rejection on my part (lol) - little did I know, they'd already been plotting for months at this point to surprise me!

They teamed up with my wonderful biz bestie Kim White to get Kim to plan a meetup with me close to where I live. We planned for ages, and little did I know when I arrived at the restaurant that Jason & Carol were waiting for me! They recorded this hilarious & sweet video for fellow WAIMers to see the surprise for themselves.

Side note: myself & Carol have always had a running joke that we're "twinsies" - as if we're the British & American versions of one another! We have incredibly similar personalities, characteristics and the way we react, think & feel about a situation is often eerily similar. You'll hear Carol call out "twinsie!" to me in the video below and I didn't even realise she had said it until I watched this video back! ðŸ˜‚

So as you can see - the fact that they would go to these lengths to surprise me... they're lovely, brilliant humans with hearts of gold, genuinely. I'm so grateful to be able to call these lovely humans mentors-turned-friends, and so grateful I could share this with you all so you can see just how fab they are!