1. Jason & Caroline are great at helping you figure out your next steps.
I joined Wandering Aimfully as number Beta Buyer #2 for WAIM - it still kills me that I didn’t get to #1! Darn you Nikki!
I joined WAIM when I needed help figuring out where to take my business next - I felt so stuck after taking the advice of people that didn’t understand my business or understand what I needed from it as someone that was chronically ill & disabled.
It was a real stretch to even invest the $100 per month, but I felt strongly that Jason & Carol were great examples of people to trust & learn from. As it as, being in WAIM slowly but surely completely transformed my business, my processes, my planning - and I was able to build my business to the best it had been and it was designed to work around my chronic illnesses.
Nowadays in WAIM there is the Un-Boring Business Roadmap that will guide you through the process of figuring out where you are in your business & guiding you through the next steps to take until you reach your goals. More on that here.
2. They encourage you to be you, and to make your business fit around you & your life, not the other way around - and I found that I got results from their help & advice, particularly when I took consistent action.
Quite honestly, I never felt like I really fit in anywhere online - but once I was in WAIM, I started to feel more confident in being authentically me - the quirky, weird, loud (yet very introverted), giddy person that I am!
Within a few months of joining WAIM I had made £1200 on my first beta course launch, something I’d procrastinated on for months beforehand (and this made my whole cost of WAIM covered in ONE launch).
Since joining WAIM, I also managed to 12x my retainer income from monthly/ongoing design services - which transformed both my business and my life.
WAIM taught me about the power of consistency in my business & both leaning into my intuition and mixing that with taking the right action steps to grow.
3. Carol & Jason, the people behind Wandering Aimfully, are truly brilliant humans.
When they run a group coaching call, they take into account the humans behind what they’re teaching and often give alternatives or ideas for those of us that might be chronically ill or disabled, neurodivergent or even simply caregivers or parents.
They have a ton of experience to learn from - between the two of them they have achieved, created and experienced so much and they use that acquired knowledge to give back & help us grow our own businesses.
The magic happens because Jason & Carol bring what they’re BOTH great at to WAIM and share it with us all. Jason is fantastic at all things technical & practical, Carol at everything creative & emotions-driven. The magical combination of both of their personalities is what makes WAIM truly special & unique.
They don’t hold back - they show us the ups AND the downs in an incredibly transparent way that’s rare to find in online business.
And it goes without saying, but I think they are the most caring, genuine, thoughtful & hilarious humans - find out why I think so here.